MINIM Records






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The Minim Records catalogue expands this summer with further eccentric output. Marking the eighth release on the label is a Montreal based feast for the imagination. An emotional journey from beginning to end, constructed by three Montreal natives, Guillaume Coutu-Dumont, and Vincent Lemieux famously known for their work as the Flabbergast duo, and eclectic composer, Ohm Hourani. Each of the former worked with Ohm individually to formulate the two tracks you can find within the “Pitter Patter” EP.

The A side is the brainchild of Guillaume and Ohm under their new GuiOhm guise. “Gensuit” is an almost eleven minute mind-bending quest of innovatively arranged jazzy drums, simmering synths and pads all conversing blissfully, everything making sense, slowly becoming hypnotized by the the intricate details the dynamic duo have pieced together.

Ohm and Vincent join forces for the B side with their Wetsuit moniker, another pensive and transcending composition that meanders through various minimal moods. As “Blanc Soleil” sways back and forth a trippy vocal sample slithers in and out, seducing the listener to join their otherworldly state of mind. Each of the artists involved bring a packed bag of their own ingredients driving this release to be an exquisite blend of genres with influences from jazz to world, combining this with live instruments, samples and ethereal textures. An introspective-predominant approach to minimalism from three of Montreal’s finest.

And as always vinyl only.

Ohm Hourani

Assembling an ambitious bricolage of taut, percussive tech house and swinging, free jazz influences, Hourani brings the folkloric roots of his Eastern upbringing into the world of contemporary house music. Marked by a passion for seamless engineering and minimalistic flair, his releases thrum with the organic liveliness that comes from a passion for uncharted sonic exploration.

Born in Jordan, Hourani developed a club presence at an early age, building a formidable reputation in clubs from Lebanon to Beirut. Drawn to Montreal in 2009 to pursue a degree in electronic sound engineering at Musitechnic Institute, Hourani would go on to teach at the same Institute later in life, while honing the intricacies of sound engineering with his own fascination for vinyl culture and dance music. Hourani would go on to tweak his own strain of minimal, overweight low end and deep house soul through his Anoma label, including a much-lauded 2014 collaboration with Amsterdam house pioneer San Proper. Hourani sought out other opportunities for collaboration, such as multiple performances with Do Mi and her textural, eloquent vocal stylings, which elegantly share sonic real estate with his tightly rolling rhythms to evoke a kind of future-soul. Hourani’s first full length album Jazz of the Machine shows two impulses at work—a near-obsessive attention to the science behind programmed drum machines' frequencies and algorithms, and jazz's freewheeling improvisational chaos—Ricardo Villalobos meet Miles Davis.

Guillaume Coutu-Dumont

Guillaume Coutu-Dumont's prolific career spans multiple musical groups, influences and countries. Originally a student of electroacoustics and Latin and classical percussion, Coutu-Dumont entered the Montréal techno and microhouse scene with groups such as EGG and Chic Miniature, before heading to Paris and Berlin. The years spent abroad saw him play as Guillaume & The Coutu Dumont, a musical project filled with Latin, jazz and house influences that he has been pursuing since his return to Montréal after a decade spent abroad. Since his return, Coutu-Dumont has alternated between various live projects, notably as part of the Auflassen trio (which premiered at MUTEK in 2020) and the Flabbergast duo, in collaboration with Vincent Lemieux.

Vincent Lemieux

DJ, record dealer, MUTEK programmer, Musique Risquée label cofounder and producer: Vincent Lemieux is what you’d call a consummate music lover. Known for his across-the-board contributions to Montreal’s electronic music landscape. When he's not programming MUTEK, he’s running his longtime Tuesday event Salon Daomé, as well as the Soirée Risquée club night with cutting-edge DJs from around the globe. The latter party has also morphed into a label, Musique Risqué, on which releases by Atom TM, Akufen, Bruno Pronsatto, the Mole, Jichael Mackson and many more have found a home.

Follow the Artists: Ohm Hourani, Guillaume Coutu-Dumont, Vincent Lemieux